Automation Workflows

How to Use the Generate Image Block

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What is the Generate Image block?

The Generate Image block creates an AI-generated image based on your unique prompt.

How to configure the Generate Image block

Once the Generate Image block has been added to your workflow, you can configure it in the right-side panel. Here is how you would configure the block for a simple blog post generator, for example: 

  1. Prompt: Add a message in the Prompt section. In this case, the message is “Generate a header image for a blog post about: {topic}.” Since we want to generate a header image for the blog post, we use the topic variable in the Prompt. Make sure to use double curly braces when adding variables to your prompts.
  2. Output Variable: This field defines how the image will be stored and used in other parts of your workflow. In this case, we are calling the variable image.

Model Settings: This is where you will select which image model you want to use. MindStudio offers various image models, such as OpenAI, DALL-E 2, and DALL-E 3.

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