Automation Workflows
How to Use the Display Text Block

The Display Block
The Display block can be used to display text and variables exactly as they are written. You can also use Markdown syntax to display images, audio, and conditional formatting.
How to configure the Display block
Once the Display block is added to your workflow, you can configure it using the panel on the right. Here is how you would configure the block for an application that generates and then displays an image to users.
- Message: Add your text or variable. If the output is a variable, surround the variable name with double curly braces. In this example, we’re using the image variable.
- Quick Help: By clicking the question mark icon, you’ll see a list of syntax for displaying other components. This includes syntax for displaying an image, audio, and conditional formatting.
Example automation workflow
Here’s what the automation workflow for this example includes:
- User Input: The user is prompted for text that will be used to generate an image.
- Generate Image: The Generate Image block uses DALL-E to generate an image based on the user’s input.
- Display: The Display block displays the image that was generated.
- Chat: Finally, the user can chat with the AI.